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Dentures – Dallas, TX

Recreate Your Gorgeous Grin

It can be difficult to go through life with one or more missing teeth. While it certainly can be an unsightly cosmetic issue, tooth loss can also alter the way you eat and speak while making further dental injuries and tooth decay more likely. Luckily Del Rey Dental offers dentures that can beautifully restore your bite and smile. Here’s why dentures may be a great option for restoring your grin to a beautiful and functional state.

Why Choose Del Rey Dental?

  • Experienced and Compassionate Dentist
  • Customized Dentures for Each Patient
  • Financing Options Available

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Lady thinks something over

Your teeth play a crucial role in the formation of words and the chewing process, and the loss of one or more can make it more difficult to enjoy foods you love, cause you to slur your words, and leave you too shy to smile in social situations. The good news is that almost anyone with missing teeth and healthy gums can be an excellent candidate for dentures. If you need help getting your gums in shape, Dr. Tadros will be happy to provide the appropriate treatments.

Types of Dentures

Lady presents dentures to viewer

There are several types of dentures, and which one is right for you depends on your particular situation. Before we can fit you for one of these appliances, you’ll have to have a consultation with Dr. Tadros so he can assess your needs and determine the appropriate course of treatment.

Partial Dentures

If you are missing one or a few teeth, partial dentures may be best for you. They consist of an acrylic base customized to fit your mouth with lifelike dental crowns attached at precise points to replace your missing teeth. This can protect your gums from injury by food debris and help the neighboring teeth stay properly aligned.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are designed to hold their place in your mouth with natural suction, allowing them to hold their positions effectively as long as they fit properly. The base of a full denture is customized to fit your gums, allowing them to be worn so comfortably that you might forget that they are there.

Implant Dentures

If you’re looking for a way to ensure that your dentures hold their positions when chewing even the toughest of foods or if traditional dentures just don’t seem to be adequate, implant dentures may be for you. By anchoring your dentures to dental implants placed in your jawbone, Dr. Tadros can ensure that your appliance functions almost exactly like real teeth.

The Benefits of Dentures

Lady smiles

Each set of dentures is customized to comfortably and beautifully restore the patient’s smile, allowing them to smile proudly and chew and speak confidently. By restoring a patient’s chewing ability, dentures can allow them to enjoy a nutritious and varied diet that will help them stay healthy for life. Dentures also prevent the cheeks from taking on a hollow appearance, and they are a cost-effective and reliable solution to tooth loss that is simple to clean and maintain.

Denture FAQs

Can I Use Regular Toothpaste to Clean My Dentures?

No, you shouldn’t use regular toothpaste to clean your dentures. After all, they aren’t like your natural teeth (which are coated in enamel). Patients are encouraged to instead use a mild, clear dishwashing liquid in combination with clean, cool water, a soft-bristled toothbrush, and denture cleaner to keep their restoration in pristine condition.

Can You Kiss with Dentures?

Yes, of course! Like everything else – from speaking to chewing – there will likely be a bit of a learning curve at the beginning. That’s why we recommend going slow and being as gentle as possible.

What Can’t You Eat with Dentures?

Tooth loss can take a considerable toll on your diet. The good news is that dentures can restore some of the strength of your bite, allowing you to eat more than just applesauce and yogurt. That said, there are some foods that aren’t recommended because of their potential to damage your dentures or pull them out of place, including gummy candies, hard pretzels, and chewy steak. It’s also a good idea to avoid extremely crunchy foods, like whole apples and raw nuts.

Why Do My Dentures Smell?

If your dentures smell bad, your breath will smell bad! Oftentimes, the root of the problem is poor habits, like not cleaning them frequently. That’s why we recommend starting with the basics, like brushing them after each meal and soaking them in a denture cleaner overnight. If that doesn’t seem to work, then the culprit may be an oral health issue, like dry mouth or an infection. So, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our Dallas dental team so we can conduct an exam.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Sleeping with your dentures is possible, but not recommended. There are a few reasons for this, including that your gums need time to rest, and wearing your dentures for too long can result in poor oral health. Plus, taking them out overnight gives you the perfect opportunity to give them a deep clean in a dentist-recommended denture cleaner, ensuring they are fresh and clean by morning.

Are Dentures Expensive?

Dentures are actually one of the most cost-effective tooth-replacement solutions upfront. They also are often covered partially by dental insurance providers. So, if you are currently uninsured, your out-of-pocket expenses will be even lower! If you are interested in getting an estimate of the cost of restoring the look, health, and function of your smile with dentures, then take the next step; schedule a consultation at our Dallas dental office.

How Can I Make My Dentures Last?

Typically, dentures last around a decade. The best way to ensure yours last for that long or longer, is by adopting healthy habits, like taking them out each evening to clean them, maintaining a solid oral hygiene regimen, and coming to our office twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning.