There are plenty of reasons to be grateful for modern dentures. But removing them every night and for routine cleanings can be tedious. What’s the worst that could happen if you just left them in?
Unfortunately, they aren’t so much like natural teeth that you can keep them in your mouth 24/7 without consequences. There are four good reasons why you should listen to your dentist’s care instructions by taking them out for cleaning and when you sleep, but keep reading after the list. There are some denture alternatives that you might find appealing.
#1. Wearing Dentures 24/7 is Not Good for Your General Health
Overall, wearing your dentures all day and all night is just not good for your health. For one thing, your dentures are fitted over your gums, meaning that if you never remove them, your pink tissues don’t get to breathe. Part of the reason your dentist wants you to take your dentures out at night is so that they get a break and can stay healthy.
The only time donning your dentures for prolonged periods will be in your best interest is right after tooth extraction during your recovery phase. Then your dentist will tell you to keep them on to help your oral tissue get used to them and heal.
#2. Bonus Health Hazard: Denture Stomatitis
A more specific hazard to your health is denture stomatitis. Over time, your 24/7 dentures will create a nice, cozy living space for yeast and bacteria. Then the surrounding tissue will become irritated and inflamed, causing discomfort. If unchecked, denture stomatitis will leave you more vulnerable to other conditions such as cancer or diabetes.
#3. If You Don’t Remove Your Dentures, You Can’t Clean Them
You could brush as often and regimented as you please, but your overworked dentures will still smell – pretty badly. This can be an awkward situation on its own. However, “cleanliness is next to godliness” as they say. If you don’t properly clean and maintain your dentures, bacteria will build up in your mouth until you circle back around to reasons #1 and #2. So don’t forget to take your dentures out and brush the underside!
#4. Denture Pressure Could Hasten Bone Loss
To make a long biology lecture short, tooth loss can lead to bone loss in your jaw. In theory wearing dentures, which are meant to replace your missing teeth, would prevent bone loss, right?
Wrong. In fact, if your dentures are working overtime, they’re applying a constant pressure that’s likely to speed up bone loss. As your jaw thins, your dentures will lose support. Then they really won’t sit still.
Denture Alternatives
Maybe you find those four reasons a compelling case for removing your dentures as instructed by your dentist. But maybe you’re also still thinking the maintenance isn’t worth it for you. If so, ask your dentist about dental implants. You take care of them the same way you would your natural teeth, reducing some of the fuss. That and increased bite power and stability are why many patients love dental implants as a denture alternative.
If you’d rather stick to your current dentures, you can still consult with your dentist! They’ll be happy to talk with you about good maintenance habits so that you can feel confident with your smile.
About the Author
Dr. Andrew Tadros practices at Del Rey Dental in Dallas. He enjoys getting to know his patients and is dedicated to finding the best-fit solution for them and their oral health. To contact his office, call 469-917-7444 or explore his website for more information.