A tooth-colored filling is a restorative dentistry treatment that repairs a tooth damaged by decay. At Del Rey Dental, the filling material is placed directly into the damaged tooth and shaped to shine just like a natural, healthy tooth. Before placing the filling into the tooth, we will first carefully remove the decayed enamel to ensure it does not deteriorate further. Then, the composite resin is cured with a special light to harden the material. The light allows us to fill the cavity without removing too much of the healthy part of the tooth. After the tooth has been restored, the filling will blend in with the surrounding teeth, making for a beautiful smile!
How Are Tooth-Colored Fillings Made?
Tooth-colored fillings, also known as white fillings or composite resin fillings, are made from a durable plastic compound that mimics the appearance of enamel. In addition to repairing minor cavities and chips, they can also be used to repair teeth with mild to moderate damage. Unlike metal amalgams, they are completely free of mercury. This makes them an option for many patients looking to replace their old metal fillings. In addition, they are also less likely to change color over time than amalgams.
Tooth-colored fillings are made out of a composite resin designed to match your teeth’ color. The composite is tinted to match the exact shade of white of your tooth enamel, so it blends in perfectly and is virtually invisible to others when you’re smiling or laughing.
Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings
Tooth-colored fillings have several advantages over traditional metal fillings. First, they are visually more appealing because they blend in with the tooth’s natural color. Second, they do not contain mercury, as silver amalgam fillings do. Finally, tooth-colored fillings are more robust than the metal alternative, making them less likely to break or crack the tooth. However, the most significant advantage of all is that tooth-colored filling can treat tooth decay without removing the damaged portion of the tooth! This is possible because a tooth-colored filling bonds the tooth’s natural enamel with a durable resin material. Traditional metal fillings cannot adhere to your tooth’s enamel in this way; instead, they rest on top of the tooth, creating a space between the top and the filling. Metal fillings also require removing much more of the natural tooth structure than tooth-colored fillings. Tooth-colored fillings last about five years on average and are an affordable and effective procedure that can repair minor damage from decay and protect the tooth from further damage.
Tooth-colored fillings are tinted to match the natural color of your teeth; they are an ideal choice for patients who want a discreet way to restore their smile after tooth decay. To learn more about this and other cosmetic dental treatments, visit Del Rey Dental at 11525 Jupiter Rd #103, Dallas, TX 75218, or call 469.917.7444.