Seemingly everyone wishes they had a perfectly bright white smile, but very few people can achieve one naturally. Although your dentist provides various cosmetic services that can upgrade your grin, not all treatments are effective for all patients. For example, some people suffer from stains that are more stubborn and can’t be bleached away easily.
If you’re unsure about the best way to enhance your appearance, continue reading to learn about three potential culprits behind your dental discoloration and how they’re treated!
Issue #1: Diet
Surface stains are one of the most common causes behind yellowing teeth, and a lot of it is due to prolonged or repeated exposure to dark ingredients you consume. For example, coffee, tea, and wine all contain tannins. These pigmented particles are responsible for giving these beverages their bitter taste and can be easily absorbed by the pores in your enamel. Over time, this can tint your grin.
Fortunately, addressing these blemishes is usually relatively simple. Your dentist provides whitening services that can lighten your teeth by several shades in a single, hour-long appointment. Though you may feel tempted to purchase an over-the-counter kit that costs less, you’re not guaranteed to get the results you’re hoping for and might end up with overly sensitive teeth. Meanwhile, your provider has access to professional-grade materials that minimize potential discomfort.
Issue #2: Unhealthy Habits
If you are in the habit of smoking or chewing tobacco products, then you’re more likely to have a muddy smile. Cigarettes, vapes, and chewing tobacco all contain nicotine and other toxic ingredients that can leave your teeth looking worse for wear. On top of that, it also restricts your blood flow and oxygen levels, making it harder for your body to deliver essential nutrients to your mouth. This increases your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other visible blemishes.
Often, these stains seep below your enamel and penetrate the layer beneath (the dentin). As a result, they may not be as easy to bleach away. Your dentist can cover them with an appropriate treatment instead. One possible method is with dental veneers. These thin, ceramic shells are bonded to the front surface of visibly flawed teeth to hide the imperfections. Plus, they can last 15+ years with the right care, making them an excellent long-term solution.
Issue #3: Poor Oral Hygiene
Those who don’t consistently brush and floss their teeth twice daily are more likely to have weakened enamel that’s prone to discoloration and other types of damage. Your dentist can apply dental bonding to repair or rebuild your pearly whites. For this procedure, they’ll place a small amount of putty-like composite resin directly onto your tooth. Then, they’ll mold it into the perfect shape and use a curing light to harden it in place. It bonds with your enamel to correct stains, cracks, chips, and even slightly gapped or misshapen teeth.
If you’re still unsure of the best way to enhance your smile, the best way to find out is to schedule a consultation with your dentist!
About the Author
Dr. Andrew Tadros has nearly a full decade of experience helping families in Dallas build happy, healthy smiles. He spent his undergraduate years at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA and then achieved his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco. Now, he’s a member of several organizations including the American Dental Association, so you can trust that your grin is in good hands. His practice combines a fun a friendly atmosphere with state-of-the-art technology to increase your comfort while producing accurate, long-lasting results. You can request a cosmetic consultation on the website or by calling (469) 917-7444.